What about Blogger or Tumbler?

The most effective bloggers are those who are passionate about a specific topic. They know their subject matter well and more than anything else, they want to talk about it. If you cannot fully embrace your topic and don’t welcome those who will criticize your position, blogging may not be for you. Although these and other clones claim to offer “free” websites with zero upfront costs, in the long run, they could be your most expensive options. Much of the value of a successful website is in the ownership of the domain name.http://www.HowToStartABlog101.com is developing into a rather valuable property. Many blogs operate for the dual purpose of allowing the developer to write about her or his most heartfelt interest and to simultaneously promote a product or service   start a blog   . There is nothing wrong with selling! Think about why you bought your last phone, car, or bar of soap, and chances are it is because of effective marketing. Somebody was selling and you bought.hts
A free blog host provided by Google, Blogger offers an extremely easy and efficient option for establishing a blog. It only takes a few minutes to get started, choose a theme, and customize a page, giving you the freedom to begin blogging immediately. As a host, Google is highly reliable, virtually guaranteeing a stable connection and ready access. Blogger and WordPress both have unique pros and cons, attracting bloggers from all different walks of life. With so many factors to consider, from hosting options to domain names, ownership to creative tools, what choice you make will depend entirely on what you’re looking to gain from your blogging platform. You are far better off obtaining your own unique domain – free with InMotion Hosting and building it into a property you own and can later sell, if you like.

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